August 3rd marks month 4 for our little buddy! It's amazing how much he continues to grow and his personality starts to show itself. He cracks me up sometimes. Last week he started making some kind of noise in the back of his mouth somewhat between a gurgle and a hiss...if you can imagine that! When I made the noise back, he laughed and repeated it to me. This game has not stopped!!! Today I put him in the baby einstein play center (whatever it's called). He loved it, turning himself around to explore every toy around him. It is so exciting to see him figure stuff out and grow as a little boy!
a. m. Life is moving along. This week I'm sending of some of the artwork to get printed and I hope to print some shirts by the end of a couple of weeks. It's been an up and down process as I figure out the ins and outs of business and clothing. I spend a lot of time researching and reading at Once I get some shirts printed, I'll open up a store on as well as begin working on a site of my own. Scrounge up the change
from the couch cusions so that you can buy a t-shirt for your favorite little ones! I'll also have some adult shirts soon.
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