Sunday, March 28, 2010


Having a little fun at the beach in Daytona.

The beach seems nicer than ours because there is more room to run and play in the water. The waves break farther out and the water is very shallow instead of dropping off quickly like the beaches where we live. Andrew had a ball running in the freezing water.

On another note, 6 days until he turns 2!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Time flies...

My baby boy is growing up... 

Every time I stop to think about the fact that Andrew is turning 2 in two weeks, it blows me away.  Time has flown by!!! No doubt, If you have children you understand.  Most likely your next sentence would be something along the lines of them being teenagers soon and then out of the house before you know it.  How depressing.  Can someone please slow down the time.  I'm not ready for him to start driving or leave for college yet.

He has been practicing a few complete sentences.  A lot of the time he tries to repeat a sentence I say.  The last couple of days no matter what we are doing he has said, "Momma is sleeping too."  I could be driving, or playing, or cooking, and it comes out of no where.  It's so funny!

Our bedtime routine is the sweetest.  After getting pj's on and brushing teeth, we pray with Daddy and then him and I sing songs and chat a bit before bed.  Then I put him in the crib with a kiss and an "I love you, Buddy."  For the past month or so he always responds with, "I love you, Mommy," as I walk out the door.  Tonight he added, "See you in the morning."  How sweet it is!

One of our favorite activities is going to the beach.  Here are a few pics.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Almost Two

So yes, it's been forever since I really posted on this blog...SORRY. :)

Andrew has been growing and learning so much.  I can't believe he'll be two in just a few weeks.  Time really does fly!  In the past couple of months he has started to LOVE being with other kids.  Today I asked him if he wanted to go to the park and very assertively he said, "NO, Ian's house."  In other words, "Forget the park, bring me to a playmate!"  I love watching him play and having so much fun.  I also like that it gives me a break and allows me to have time with my friends.

I hope to post more soon.  I have a few great pics... 

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Ian and Andrew watching the train go by.

Braden reading a story to Andrew.

Play Doh is so much fun!